The missing OpenCart advanced CMS is finally here!
Page Builder replaces the default OpenCart module/layout functionality with an advanced system which allows you to control the entire page content and style. Technically, the layout is based on a extended responsive CSS grid system, similar to Bootstrap, Pure or Foundation. The concept is close to Visual Composer for WordPress.
The Page Builder is the ultimate landing page creator. Use it to design your lead capture pages, improving SEO and conversion rate from online advertisements. Quickly build different versions when testing for landing page optimization. No need to use external lander generators.
With the aid of an convenient drag & drop interface you don't need much time to build complex layouts. No programming skills are required - just your imagination!
Burn Engine comes with 25 built-in content blocks (just like WordPress widgets) packed with functionality and styling options, which permit countless page variations.
You are now the designer!
More Features
25+ Content Blocks
- Gallery
- Banner
- Best Sellers
- Brands
- Categories
- Facebook likebox
- Featured products
- Slider
- Call to action
- Menu
- Tabs
- Accordion
- Icon list
- Latest reviews
- Latest tweets
- Twitter box
- Separator
- Special products
- Google maps
- Text/Html
6 Dynamic Areas
Kiddos is separated in six areas (Header, Intro, Content, Left column, Right column and Footer) that can store unlimited number of rows, columns and blocks.
Area content rules can be set for information and system pages, categories or layouts, allowing you to make unlimited combinations.
Styling Options
Just like all major website areas, each Layout Bulder row and content block have the option to control the margin, padding and column spacing.
You can set border and border radius, apply multiple shadows and attach multiple backgrounds. Backgrounds can be either images, or linear and radial gradients.
Third Party Module Compatiblity
The Page Builder is not limited to own blocks only. You can easily use any OpenCart module just like the built-in ones.
Additionally, every opencart module can take advantage of the advanced styling options.
Responsive grid
The grid generated by Page Builder is responsive by default and optimized to work on any screen resolution. You content will look nice on both desktop and mobile platforms.
No more worries about your site compatibility with visitors devices.
Multilanguage and multi-store ready
All content blocks support multiple languages where appropriate. E.g. a text block can have separate values and be enabled/disabled for different languages.
The Burn Engine multi-store feature applies fully to Page Builder. Each additional store have individual content setup for maximum flexibility